Soft enclosures RIZUR for shut-off and control valves, X-mas tree equipment
Protective heat-insulated soft enclosures RIZUR are manufactured in accordance with TU-5763-002-12189681-2014 and designed for isolation of hot surfaces, personnel protection against thermal injuries and reduction in heat loss. Unlike the traditional insulation, the RIZUR soft enclosures are multi-layered dismantlable constructions that can be used multiple times. They can be quickly and easily mounted/dismantled so that the specialists can get access to the covered equipment (routine inspection, repairing, diagnostics, replacement). Heat-insulating soft enclosures RIZUR are manufactured for equipment of different dimensions. Each enclosure is designed in such a way that it tightly fits the equipment covered. An engineer will attend the installation place to make measurements when the soft enclosures are designed for equipment and accessories of non-standard sizes. Design solution and materials for inside and outside layers, as well as for insulation, are based on the thermal operational regimes.
Heat insulated soft enclosures RIZUR are used for heat insulation of flanges, parts of pipes, sluice valves, globe valves, reverse flange valves, and other shut-off equipment.
Applications are – hazardous areas of inside and outside facilities in accordance with the specified markings, safety industry standards, and manufacturer’s recommendations.
All soft enclosures are manufactured from inflammable materials and have fire-safety certificate АПБ.RU.OC005.H.00092.
The safety operation of soft enclosures at the hazardous areas is confirmed by the Customs Union compliance certificate "Safety of equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres" № ЕАЭС RU C-RU.ME92.B.00041/19.
Reduce in heat loss from the pipe line surfaces and shut-off valves up to 96%
Decrease in the number of work place injuries – protection of personnel against thermal injuries, spatter during depressurization of stitches and connections
Protection of expensive equipment against aggressive media in case of depressurization of stitches and connections
Protection of valves and accessories against aggressive climate impacts and premature corrosion
The convenience of maintenance operations
Repeated mounting/dismantling
Staff time saved for maintenance
Mounting/dismantling of the soft enclosures does not require specialists from third-party installation companies
Inquiry form. Heat-insulating soft enclosure.pdfSize: 162 Kb19.04.2024
Fire safety certificate for soft enclosures RIZUR.pdfSize: 4 Mb19.04.2024
Explosion protection certificate for soft enclosures RIZUR.pdfSize: 6 Mb19.04.2024
Conformity certificate for ex-proof heating equipment.pdfSize: 10 Mb19.04.2024