Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS

Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS is manufactured on the base of a digital control system. The module consists of a microcontroller (regulated by the software) and remote digital air temperature indicator RIZUR-DT or RT 100 (the immersible version can be used for the temperature maintenance in the liquid media).
The hardware-software solution ensures that the temperature will be maintained within the accuracy of 1 °С. The temperature parameters are programmed at the manufacturing facility on the basis of the ordering information. For the purpose of signalizing when the temperature surpasses the set limits, thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS has additional relay outputs, as well as, depending on the design version, an analogue output signal 4-20mА.
The housing of the thermoregulator also performs the function of a junction box, meaning that there's a terminal block inside and Ex-protected cable glands for power cables, heater, and temperature sensors outside.
Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS is designed specifically for controlling heating elements of high power (up to 5kW), including self-regulating heating cables. 
The thermoregulator can withstand the cold starting loads that surpass the nominal power load in 10 times.
Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS has three design variants:


RIZUR-TB-DCS-1 - this version has two digital temperature sensors RIZUR-TD and two relay outputs for signalizing when the temperature surpasses set limits causing an emergency.
Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS-1 can change and control the temperature within the limits from
- 50°С to +110°С.


RIZUR-TB-DCS-3 - this version has two temperature sensors RT 100 and two relay outputs for signalizing when the temperature surpasses set limits causing an emergency. Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS-3 can change and control the temperature within the limits from -200°C to +600°С.


This version has two digital temperature sensors RIZUR-TD, one relay output, and one analogue output signal 4-20mА.
Thermoregulator RIZUR-TB-DCS-4 can change and control the temperature within the limits from
-50°С to +110 °С. The relay output signal is for signalizing when the temperature surpasses set limits causing an emergency.
The analogue output signal 4-20mА is for broadcasting the current temperature value.

Application area:

-    Temperature control in the heating area: enclosures, soft enclosures and insulation jackets, facility spaces
-    Preset temperature limit alarm when the temperature of the control medium/space rapidly increases/decreases
-    Control of the high capacity heaters
-    Control of the heating systems based on self-regulating or resistive heating cables for pipelines, tanks, reservoirs.
Design variant RIZUR-TB-DCS
Installation area General industrial areas
Explosion hazard zones V-1а and V-1g acc. to Ch. 7.3 of PUE
Explosion protection marking 1ExdllCT6GbX
Temperature control Digital control system
Heating element power Up to 1000 W
Supply voltage 220 (±15%)V, 24,36-48 V AC/DC
(upon an agreement with the manufacturer)
Temperature maintained on the surface -30°С … +90°С, an increment of 1°С
Temperature maintained inside -40°С … +50°С, an increment of 1°С
Ingress protection IP67
Preset temperature limit alarm Relay, dry contact, 1А
Warranty period 24 months
Average operation time Over 15 years
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